Sunday, May 3, 2020

Influence of Interorganizational Relationships †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Influence of Interorganizational Relationships. Answer: Introduction The Company sales variety sizes and types of aerosol cans (over 3000 different products) by only keeping their assembly in-house. In order to protection corporate supply chain company could buy the same ingredient from multiple suppliers. It currently adopting an agile production strategy, which means only keep small quantities of inventory on hand and need to respond to fluctuated customer demand. The opportunities for customer to change to other brand is quiet high, so it is critical for managers to make sure the overall business is under reasonable supervision to promote an operating efficiency. The result of operational performance from current practice indicates a high possibility of making mistake. Because the information only updated on a weekly basis has directly lead to frequent slow response to changes, high inventory on hand and longer order lead-time. To overcome these barriers, business need to design and develop a web based system for its intended users (managers, staff s, suppliers and customers) with a display of front-end interface connected to an unseen back-end database to ensure consistent information sharing amongst parties. Production department design a subsystem for internal staff to search production batch, bill of materials, work in progress information, finished product stock level and update production schedule. The design and develop of web system will increase the department accountability, information accuracy and operational efficiency. Consequently, businesss profit is expected to increase as a more smooth flow of activities and information sharing helps the company to minimize costs and achieve high goals. This report will include major screen shots and description of the function. And then analysis case and discuss the contribution of this system. Finally analysis the advantage and disadvantage of this system. Sub-system Development Analysis of relevant literatures is critical for understanding and deriving key themes from a topic. With technological advent and globalisation, ecommerce businesses have grown and has been evolving at a rapid rate. With such evolution, it becomes impertinent for businesses to evaluate key themes and concepts such that they are able to meet with challenges and expand their businesses. The scope of the current discussions evaluates relevant concepts relating to e-Business tools as lead time reductions, improving profitability and business sustainability and so on. A.O. Yee-Loong Chong (2009) article Influence of interorganizational relationships on SMEs'e-business adoption. In the journal Internet Research, pages 313 to 331(Yee-Loong Chong, 2009). This journal analyses relavant interorgansiational relationship based concept that can lead to efficient production and cost savings techniques. This journal provides that for reaching higher levels of productivity and efficiency each depar tment of the organisation needs to interract with the other. It applies theory of JIT (Just-in-time), which is meant to incorporate lean production techniques, reducing inventories that consume significant amount of working capital. L.A. Andreu (2010) An analysis of e-business adoption and its impact on relational quality in travel agencysupplier relationships. In journal Tourism Management, pages 777 to 787(Andreu, 2010). This journal encompasses a wide range of analysis pertaining to quality. Through example of a travel agency, this literary journal examines ways in which quality improvisation can be attempted. It includes concepts regards to Six Sigma Quality Improvisation. S.K. Maguire (2007) The adoption of e-business and knowledge management in SMEs. In the journa; Benchmarking: An International Journal, pages 37 to 58(Maguire, 207). The scope of this journal examines concepts relating to knowledge management (KM) and its importance in e-Business. KM is an integral concept for aerosol can manufacturers and similar other businesses. Such concepts are used to integrated valued data from suppliers, customers, market environment, internal environemnt and so on to form valued feedback, which in turn can be used into making integral strategies for the organisation. Information such as prices prevailing in the market, best suppliers at best costs, key delivery times and routes, other factors that are integral in e-Businesses are used to feed in the KM. KM can help the business design product delivery scheedules, prices and so on. Reference Lists Andreu, L. A. 2010. An analysis of e-business adoption and its impact on relational quality in travel agencysupplier relationships. Tourism Management, 777-787. Maguire, S. K. 2007. The adoption of e-business and knowledge management in SMEs. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 37-58. Yee-Loong Chong, A. O. 2009. Influence of interorganizational relationships on SMEs'e-business adoption. Internet Research, 313-331.

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